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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Moving and such

Hello Everyone and Good Morning. Just wanted to update on a few changes here.

First, for those of you who are not aware, Geoff and I have decided not to renew our lease. FRM sent us our new lease at the beginning of September for December 1st signing. They increased our rent by 16% under the presentation that we were paying below market rent. I won't go into specifics at the moment, but our rental agreement for B101 was specific to events that took place last year. It is FRM who placed us in this unit for the price that we agreed to so that they would avoid litigation. Fast forward a year and all of a sudden, a significant rental increase. We were expecting a slight increase as we see this as part of a routine of a housing complex, but not such a large jump. Therefore, as of November 1st, the blog may not be as active. Since I started the blog, I own it as well as its contents. I have not decided what to do with this blog as of yet. Most likely, I will delete the blog in its entirety.

Second, until there is more of an update on the standing of this blog, if you are interested in posting, you will have to wait for me to approve your posting. I have to do this due to the large amount of spam that is being posted on here from others. Sorry for any frustration that this may cause.

Chris Germaine
Co-Founder, Westfield Lofts Tenants Group

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