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Westfield Lofts Tenants Calendar

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Friday, August 31, 2007

lighting, safety, parking and prompt follow up





As a representative of Westfield Tenants, I wanted to mention some recent concerns we have been having.  I received your voicemail today regarding the lighting that had been out over on Westfield Street.  After mentioning this on several occasions well over two weeks ago, the lights are finally working.  They work so well, in fact, that they appear to be on continuously day and night.  I hope this is a temporary situation as the bulbs will burn out quite quickly and it would be counter-productive having to wait another two to three weeks to replace the bulbs.  As you know, Lt Day suggested keeping your property well lit to deter thievery.  Prior to this, this entrance area had been under lit for three weeks, despite proper and continuous notification.




In regards to the power outage last Monday (08/27/07), most tenants in B building woke up to hallways in complete darkness. It was impossible to pass down the corridors.  You saw the darkness when you arrived on Monday.


I talked with a tenant who had called the Emergency Number at 5am to report that the lighting was out.  This person was telling me that it was made very clear that no one could see in the corridors as the emergency lighting and exit signs were not illuminated.  When I telephoned the answering service at 8a about this issue, I was told that it would be fixed by 9a.  Apparently, other calls were also made, but we are unclear of what information was passed to you. 


However, these lights had been out since 8:11pm on Sunday, 08/26/2007 as indicated on the fire-alarm panel in the lobby.   I am concerned that we as tenants were put at risk for a minimum of four hours (I believe it is longer than this) and that FRM allowed this safety issue to continue once notified..  What would FRM have done if there had been a fire and we were not able to evacuate due to the inability to see?


Again, THIS RESPONSE TIME IS UNACCEPTABLE, especially considering the seriousness of this particular safety issue.


In addition, it is concerning that there is no staff here this Saturday on a holiday weekend.  Here at 7:02pm, the lot and sidewalks are already beginning to be littered with beer bottles.  To complex this situation further, there are many tenants moving in and out of the building due to new leases beginning and ending with the school year.  It is now, 11:04pm and tenants are still around the building moving in and out of u-hauls parked in the 30-minute spots on Dexter Street.


I believe the tenant handbook states that all moving must be completed before 6pm.  This is disruptive and disrespectful to existing tenants and shows a general lack of rule enforcement and respect by FRM.  It would be a benefit to them to have some sort of access to someone over the long holiday weekend to help with the parking and new tenant issues.


One final thought is, of course, parking enforcement.  As things have begun to settle down, the lot has already started to full up with un-stickered cars and people who do not reside here (their vehicles have been on site before) and no one to follow up on this until Tuesday.




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