FW: of interest
Subject: of interest
Over the past few months, there are a few things we have re-learned about community.
One of them being, if you know you neighbors, you are more likely to foster concern for your neighbors.
It makes perfect sense. When we moved in over a year ago, we knew no one in here at Westfield or in Providence.
I am glad to say this is changing, in part, through our efforts within our own community and the newly formed tenants association.
It is great to be able to say "hi, how are you" or "did you notice..." It keeps us together and familiar, Our new Westfield Family.
However, there are still many many people we do not know. I understand also, some people prefer it that way. Either way, I think
everyone would agree that familiarity with our surroundings is important to being able to identify safety and security issues that may arise.
You don't have to be "hey diddley diddle dee neighbor ned flanders friendly" but it also does not hurt to know the difference between the maintenance
person walking on the roof versus the person on the roof looking for open apartment windows...
So, we got it in our heads to have a mixer. Something we all could enjoy and also have a chance to get to know our neighbors.
With funds limited and ideas spinning, I thought it would be good to provide a grill for everyone to come down and cook something. Bring your
own meats and veggies. It would be an opportunity to enjoy your own cook-out with everyone else. Living in an apartment, we all can see the value of
a good red-hot grill. (Yes, no grills allowed for all who are thinking of attempting to grill in their own living rooms.) Depending on the success of this event,
it could be a regular thing. A chance to get to know your neighbors under the ever tempting lure of grilled foods. And for the wallflowers, come on down, grill some
of your own specialties and head back indoors. At least we can get a look at you and vice versa! Next time we see you, we can say...oh thats the
nice person who was came down and was grilling swordfish steaks last thursday...
I am a bit concerned, however, because we presented this idea at the last tenants meeting. There seemed to be positive enthusiasm for the event and Chris and I were
ready and willing to jump in full time. (Even to the point of purchasing a small grill.) Kathy and Thea said there was no need for that as they could easily provide the grill,
the printing and distribution of flyers and in a snap it seemed our good idea had met good fortune. Now, two weeks later and one week away, I have yet to see any notifications, information, etc.
(Except for the two we had posted.)
Lt. Day was at our last meeting reinforcing the notion of knowing your community. This event is important to the success of the tenants organization here as well as the
relationship between the property owners, the property management and all the tenants who are tired of not knowing their neighbors and even more tired of the junk that
continues here everyday. We were glad to have management handle most of the responsibilities of this event as we are always running around as busy as always...
(Isn't Everyone?) But we were also willing to head this up to make it a success. However, the way I run things in my office is that the first step is giving as much notice as possible
so that if you want to attend, you CAN attend.
The success of this event depends on everyone here. We are willing to pitch in, understanding too, that management works as hard as we all do to make this place great.
But of course, we have to know what they are thinking and how we can help. Please, just pick up the phone and let us know... we are glad to help.
Incidentally, the execution of this event will determine, to me at least, how much the owners and management really want a tenants association, success here means communication between tenants
about issues that matter to us, our homes and OUR neighborhood. Stand by and watch closely. Open Grill in the courtyard in SEVEN DAYS. See you then.
Geoff Baker
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