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Westfield Lofts Tenants Calendar

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007



CG Opens meeting with a brief history of reasons for starting a tenant association


Lack of response to problem

Learned of a lack of actual security and video (as suggested by FRM and signage in place on site)

Parking problems/ enforcement compound above problems

Series of events in place that do not support or endorse potential maximum safety and security that should be available.


Kathy Goshtigian stated verbally to CG that cameras will be in at first of month (01 Aug 07)

Brian Schlitzer stated Video company had been in to measure and pre-view site for installation

maleDW Due to privacy and security Tenants may not be able to view Security tapes

Video may be available only to Police/ officials

Cameras rarely provide security they promise



BM Ground floor apartment had a local “character” reach in and try to take things off the windowsill. Unsure who or what was/ if anything/ was taken

JI Tenant door was left open and unknown person knocked on door and could have entered.

maleDW Neighborhood was worse and although getting better has not evolved with the changing landscape of new renovations/ improvements, etc We still have prostitution, drugs, crime.

Need for security at night (both 3-11pm and 11pm to 7am police shifts) within community police force.

GB Perhaps utilize liquor store to hire security as with other local liquor stores as suggested by Thea at WEHA

Also, FRM/ Management may need to hire security for Thursday-Sunday as this

JI/ YK Witness crime evidence (smashed windows etc) in December. Has crime/ break-ins calmed down?

JI Crime evident all over city. Living on Broadway, cars were broken into all the time.

GB Maybe the opportunity time for most crime actions to occur and many tenants do not feel safe heading into the courtyard late at night.

It would be good to get crime statistics for Westfield Lofts to see the frequency and occurrence times, etc.

It seems as if crime rate has been very steady and constant. Recognizing this could be the start of changing it.

YK Mentioned Oxford Gardens (Low Income Housing) (Managed by FRM?) Has a security detail at night.

maleDW Communities need to work together and organize with tenants/ landlord/ property managers etc

Future Meetings need to include all parties


DW Closed circuit TV and Cameras on every door so we can see who is outside and buzzed in. (This was mentioned by previous property manager Deb Ellis)

Tenant enforcement and eyes through security cameras accessed via our own tv sets.

maleDW This type of thing should be pre-wired in. I will check into.


maleDW Should FRM manage Dexter Street?

CG Dexter Street is privately owned by Westfield, Westfield put the signs up and FRM instituted the parking policy.

Need to follow through with delivery of rules and signage as posted and promised.

maleDW Suggested resident patrol to call Towing company. Work w/ Brian to monitor and Control

CG We have submitted plates and times to Management.

GB Everyone needs to email and notify management when they see something not working (Parking Violations) So that he is aware policy is not being enforced or working.

maleDW Lock up the cars on the tow trucks and tow em, Rotate Resident watch

JI Organize and community policing for cars and violations.

KT During a car break in with her and DW (separate occasions) police suggested that THEY could provide community police volunteers. (Not sure if this was as a personal favor or part of services offered)

DW PVD police has a briefing of community crime every Tuesday.

It would be important to get copies of this information and also invite police to meetings

CG This meeting was closed only to get a feel for ourselves and concerns. Next meeting can/ will include FRM , PVD police, WEHA, and other relevant resources. We will need outside help to organize and place these agencies at our meetings.


maleDW This is a good nucleus to start a community program that can encompass all future Westfield Development.

SCW of WEHA had asked to initiate a tenant association at a FEB 07 development meeting.

JI We need to start to feel pride in this neighborhood. Create neighborhood building.

maleDW Homeowners of new developments will foster family participation and sense of ownership/ identity.

maleDW Ownership and Responsibility

Also would like to know how many families live in the building now…including children and teenagers. A measure of family involvement.

maleDW Knows Thea Fielding of WEHA who puts together house events for neighborhoods with similar problems

CG Thea was very motivational at WEHA meeting last week

GB The WEHA meetings should compliment our own meetings both in our intra (loft) and extra (west end) community.

maleDW Need to know our Police Districts/ Councilors/ Representatives etc for resources to build stronger communities and accountability to neighborhood.

JI Stay positive, Safety with Cooperation and Expect but not demand.

CG Need to create a safe environment without bad elements. Actions need to be CONTINUAL and proactive. FRM has a tendency to be reactive rather than pro-active.

GB Would like to initiate some community building social events to get to know your neighbors and foster recognition between tenants.



DW Trash all over inside and outside of building. (Even in elevators)

YK Door Locks do not work consistently.

maleDW Persons have been seen on roof of annex (Building B)

DW Maintenance is lacking

GB Unkept property sends a clear message to those watching. Both in daily liter, trash, weeds, and flowers.

CG Including the vacant lots and buildings adjacent

DW We miss Jim Puchta being on board every day cleaning and showing concern

KT Current Maintenance is rude and unhelpful

CG New maintenance man has been hired full time.


maleDW Careful that blog does not take a vicious negative or counter productive tone

Negative feedback creates frustration

CG Blog tone is a bit negative

GB Purpose of blog is to create awareness for both new and existing tenants that these things are happening. It was created before the idea of a tenant association came to mind. In order for Westfield to become successful, it has to be full of good tenants. This was our only voice. This association combine with a responsible blog will be a better voice.

DW All communities need to work together to get positive change. Part of this is to know each person and each persons role.


CG Will disseminate all phone numbers (“phone tree”) and emails from the group so that there is more contact with each other. If assistance is needed to and from the car/parking lot, feel free to contact those on the list.

DW To follow up with her connection at the Providence Police Department in regards to inquiring as a group with FRM management in an attempt to determine statistics of crimes reported at Westfield Lofts as well as whether it might be possible to request that the police patrol more during the middle of the night hours.

It may be of benefit if we could meet with the police as a collective unit with FRM in an attempt to obtain ideas from the police regarding safe interventions for the tenants.


Third Monday of every month

August 20th 6:30 pm

August 21st 7:00pm WEHA meeting (CRANSTON ST)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Meeting Minutes Westfield Lofts July 30, 2007

Hi Sharon.  Your email has been coming back to me.  I hope that you receive this and are able to open.

[Update] Westfield Lofts Tenants Group Meeting @ Mon, August 20, 6:30 - 7:30pm

add to your calendar.

Follow up to Westfield Lofts Tenants Group Meeting

Hi Brian.
Thanks for opening the Community Room tonight.  I will submit another form to reserve the room again on August 20th at 6:30p.  We would like to invite you, Kathy and Sharon to this next meeting.  Minutes to follow.

[Invitation] Westfield Lofts Tenants Group Meeting @ Mon Aug 20 6:30pm - 7:30pm (), you are invited to

Westfield Lofts Tenants Group Meeting

Mon Aug 20 6:30pm - 7:30pm
(Eastern Time)
D Building Community Room (map)

Follow up to our meeting on July 30, 2007
More event details »

Will you attend?
Yes | No | Maybe


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Westfield Lofts Tenants Group Contact List

Hi Everyone.
Glad to see you all tonight.  We had a few others who could not make the meeting, but are interested in being part of the group.  I have attached a list of those who attended the meeting.  If you are on the email list, but not on the word document, please email me so that I may edit for everyone.
Derek, thanks for the feedback on the blog.  Brian, sorry that you had to go.  I hope that you had reported your concerns to Westfield Lofts when you saw that person reach into your apartment.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

[Reminder] First Westfield Tenants Meeting @ Mon Jul 30 6:30pm - 7:30pm (), this is a reminder for

First Westfield Tenants Meeting

Mon Jul 30 6:30pm - 7:30pm
(Eastern Time)
230 Dexter Street, Providence, RI 02907 (map)

Conference Room Building D. Purpose of first meeting is for introductions and to elicit concerns of tenants at Westfield Lofts. This meeting will be a closed meeting to FRM West Elmwood Association.
More event details »


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To stop receiving future notifications for this event, decline this event. Alternatively you can sign up for a Google Calendar account at and control your notification settings for your entire calendar.

leaking in our unit. are you having the same problem?

Hi Everyone. I called the on call number at 1:45p today to inform about two leaks in my apartment and the fact that not only was there damage done to a clock that cannot be replaced, but that the water is coming down an electrical conduit and that there are two leaks going on. Anyone else having this problem? Be sure to take photos if you can.



The email below was sent to Sharon Conard-Wells, Brian Schlitzer, Kathy Goshtigian as well as the folks who have signed up for the Westfield Lofts Tenants Group already. Had to submit this way as the original email with the photo in it didn't translate through.
From: Westfield Lofts Tenants [] Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 9:56 AMTo: westfieldloftstenants@gmail.comSubject: [Welcome to Westfield Lofts Tenants Community.] Adjacent Lot

Good Morning Sharon, Brian, Kathy and Others.

We were wondering what the plan is for the lot on Westfield Street that is part of the building to be renovated after the townhouses go up. This lot looks horrific and reflects poorly on Westfield Lofts as well as the neighborhood. There is trash, a large rusted barrel, broken glass, a fruit juice container that has god knows what in it as well as weeds growing all over (in some places over three feet in height). While at the West Elmwood Neighborhood meeting the other night, one of the topics that came up is abandoned properties and how they reflect poorly on the neighborhood as well as foster criminal activities. Abandoned lots and un-kept property endorses illegal activity by suggesting neighborhood complacency . This lot is very inviting to transients and on at least one occasion recently, an older homeless man was seen walking through this very lot on his way to the dumpster. If this lot is cleaned up, not only would it add a more positive appearance for Westfield Lofts, but may also offer more parking spaces until the building is renovated.

A written follow up would be greatly appreciated. I will attach one photo only due to the size. I have others available if interested in seeing.


Westfield Lofts Tenants Group.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Clean Up

Hi All. It was nice to see the landscapers here the other day. Was even nicer to see the end result. However, it would have been great if they had included this lot too when taking out the weeds. What are people's thoughts on this??


[Update] West Elmwood Housing Community Meeting @ Tue, August 21, 7:00 - 8:30pm

Hi Everyone. The next neighborhood meeting is for August 21st. There were only two of us from Westfield Lofts at the last meeting. Not sure if you had received the flyer in time. Thought that you might be interested. Chris

Friday, July 27, 2007


Hi There Everyone.


Just a couple of updates for everyone.


·         People are now able to subscribe to our calendar of events.  If you are interested in subscribing to our calendar, please feel free to click on the GOOGLE calendar button and follow the directions.

·         I have started to develop a list of important/helpful links for all of us.  I have placed two links so far into our listing.  If you know of any others that you think may be of benefit to all, please feel free  to email it to me and I will be sure to add it to the listing.






Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fwd: Strange activities

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Geoff Baker
Date: Jul 26, 2007 9:04 AM
Subject: Strange activities
To: Brian Schiltzer <>, Chris Germaine
Cc: Westfield Lofts Tenants <>

Hi Brian,
Another observation is that over the past three nights on two
occasions, I saw two different people walk up to and approach the
windows of the ground floor apartment on the parking lot side near
the trash.  This was not the corner unit but a few windows in.

The first occasion was a woman who was speaking through the screen
and went around to the entrance to be let in.

The second occasion was two guys who pulled up to the no parking zone
and the driver got out went to the window and then got back in the
car and drove away.

Without coming to any conclusions, I have to say this did not look
like a neighborly stop by the window to say "hi".

The first step in making WESTFIELD safer and better is to make
everyone aware that things are going on here that do not seem right.

How should we address this?

Thanks in advance,
Geoffrey Baker B101


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This is a paste of an email that was sent to Brian from Geoff.

Date: Jul 26, 2007 8:58 AMSubject: PrositutionTo: Westfield Lofts Tenants <>Cc: Chris Germaine Brian Schiltzer <>
I had the pleasure of walking by the handicap space today to find used condom(s) and tissues, which, to me, means there is sexual activity in the parking lot at night.
This is not the adjacent lot, but the lot right next to the building.

I am discouraged by this blatant act of prostitution with no regard or respect for the people living so close by.
I hope that the visible cameras will discourage this activity.


How can we help?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

First Podcast; voicemail from Brian regarding Video Camera and Parking Sticker updates.

Ok Folks. Here it is, my first attempt at a podcast. I wanted to share the voicemail that I received from Brian with everyone. Here it is. Sorry that there is a bit of feedback in the beginning. I know, I know, it is in a "raw like" state, but I promise you, that they will get better.


Video and Sticker Updates

Hi Brian.


Thanks for the update on the video cameras and parking stickers.  Glad to hear that the parts have been ordered and that the site will be measured/surveyed tomorrow.  As for the stickers, glad to hear that you will try to begin issuing tomorrow. It would be very helpful to all the tenants that we know the progress and if there are going to be any delays.  How about the towing?  Is it your belief that once these stickers are issued that we will be able to accurately determine who belongs parking in the two lots?





Tuesday, July 24, 2007

follow up to camera placement


Hi Brian.


Last that Kathy and I spoke (July 16, 2007), she had informed me that the cameras will be installed (and presumably operable) by the end of the month.  Would you be able to tell us the status of the installation?  Where will the cameras be installed?  I had originally heard that the cameras will be placed atop the building and will be able to see 360 degrees around the entire complex.  Is this correct? Certainly, cameras will not stop theft or vandalism, but it will hopefully help with reducing the number of incidents.


Thanks Brian.


Chris Germaine




Community Meeting

Hi Everyone. Geoff and I went to the community meeting at the West Elmwood Housing Development Corporation. We were the only folks from Westfield Lofts. The meeting was informational, inspiring and a great opportunity to meet others. There were seven of us total.

We are meeting again on August 21, 2007 at 7p over at 392 Cranston Street. It would be great if you are able to attend the next meeting.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Below is an email from Sharon Conard-Wells regarding the email that was sent due to the person sleeping outside someone’s door. I had to paste it into a WORD document so that it could be viewed. I did delete the person’s name below.



Regarding the pictures from this weekend, let me begin by saying that my intent is not to ridicule the tenant's decision or actions. But, while she doesn't have children others do. And, NO ONE (adult or child) should take chances like this. Even if there was not real danger, the idea of the circumstance is completely unacceptable and required an immediate and definitive response! This is not the culture of this property!

CALL THE POLICE/911. This is not something to be patient or understanding about or to take lightly. In this case Management should have been the second to receive a call (after the police). I cannot imagine waiting until Monday to submit pictures!

Brian or Kathy, please contact this tenant immediately and encourage her to absolutely never ever expose herself to such an unpredictable situation again. I am available to discuss courses of action that she could have taken and to help her find one that would have been comfortable for her.

Brian, please keep me abreast of this. Thanks all.

Sharon Conard-Wells

From: Westfield Lofts Tenants []
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 12:06 PM
To:;; Sharon Alternate
Subject: Fwd:

Brian and Kathy, this email was in my "junk folder". Thought that you would be interested. It has not been posted on the blog. If it is posted, I will remove the pics and the senders name.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jul 21, 2007 11:35 PM
Subject: Re:
To: Westfield Lofts Tenants <>

hello! I just came home from seeing 'harry potter' tonight, only to find this guy passed out in front of the door next to mine. It is not unusual to hear loud shouting and/or music from this apartment, but this takes it to a new level. I am pretty sure he is not passed out inside the apartment because he is not on the lease and does not have a key? But he has been staying there for a while now. I am glad I do not have children because I would have a hard time explaining this one. I thought I would take some pictures for your blog instead of calling the police this time.

RE: Saturday Morning

Hello Chris,
I was visiting a family member in the hospital this last Saturday morning.  I received a voicemail from our leasing agent but I did not respond to her until 11:45 AM because it was not an emergency.   However when I left the hospital, I called Melissa to let her know that I was coming down to the Westfield Lofts.  Apparently you had gone over to the office twice that morning and on the second visit, informed the leasing agent that you wanted to take care of this box spring personally.  That is when you had asked for a pair of gloves.  When I called the office at 11:45 AM the leasing agent had informed me that you had already moved the mattress and picked up the piece of trash.  She may have mentioned to you that it may have to wait until Monday only because it was not an emergency.  She did immediately call me so that I could come down to pick it up.  You did not give us much time to respond to a non-emergency but you were very quick to write this situation on the blog.  I hope that you continue to use this blog as a way to improve the community through communication rather then place blame on a part time leasing agent that only works on Saturday's.
Unfortunately we live in the city with many people walking by the lofts.  Sometimes a less fortunate neighbor might peek inside our trash area to see if anyone might be discarding a nice mattress or box spring, etc.  If I was there at 7:45 AM on Saturday morning then I would have seen you with your camera looking for evidence and would have happily picked up the box spring then placed it back in the trash area.  Unfortunately I was not onsite at that hour.  When we have non-emergency issue we will respond diligently and accordingly.  If it is truly an emergency then please rest assure that I will make safety top priority and will be there to take the appropriate action right away. 
Chris, please feel free to contact me regarding this issue.  I would be happy to explain what an emergency is as well.
Best regards,
Brian Schlitzer
Property Manager
First Realty Management
Managing Agent for
Westfield Lofts Apartments
230 Dexter Street
Providence, RI 02907
fax 401.272.5645

From: Westfield Lofts Tenants []
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 1:45 PM
To: Sharon Alternate; Brian Schlitzer; Kathy Goshtigian;
Subject: Re:

Hi Sharon.
Thanks for the clarification.  As for the box spring, the issue is not that the box spring was missed, but that it was pulled out away from the dumpster where it had been placed on Friday and left in the fire lane.  This is a safety issue and was the concern.  The fact that I did attempt to address with the office once Melissa arrived and that it was not addressed until later in the afternoon when I moved it and after I had asked for gloves to pick up the alcohol bottles reinforces the slow responsiveness that several have seen continuously.  I was dumbfounded to hear Melissa state that the liquor bottles and box spring would need to remain where they were until Monday.  This looks unprofessional on her part, tells the tenants that the office was aware and basically does not care how the property looks, tells  some of neighbors who may have similar concerns about wanting their property and adjacent property to look decent that Westwood Lofts does not care, etc., etc..  I would encourage you to speak with Melissa and ask her how the situation was addressed.  I am not opposed to picking things up when I see them.  However, I attempted to address this with the office and it was not addressed. 
As for concerns/issues that may be raised next week, I assure you that you will be informed that following morning if not sooner.  In addition, the blog is open to all.  It is not formatted for subscribers only.  This is a terrific way to communicate with everyone; including you.  Certainly, this is not the only way to communicate, but an informative mode of commuication nonetheless.  Pictures speak highly. 
On 7/23/07, Sharon Alternate <> wrote:
Your recollection of our conversation regarding the illegally parked cars and litter is a little overly simplified.  This is not a duty of on call maintenance.  We brainstormed lots of ideas about a number of topics; some concerns, some hopes.  One on one calls and brainstorming should not be the basis for problem solving in my view.  There were so many topics and issues discussed during our call that we also have to be sure we are all using the same terminology in the same manner. Besides, an idea is not a plan for action.  During that call, I was attempting to communicate to you my ideas and hopes for Westfield Lofts and the surrounding community as well as our own commitment (behind the scenes and generally) to community.
I maintain that if you are more successful at recruiting tenants who are interested in working with us than our previous attempts then I would love for us to be proactive and positive about our collaborative efforts by meeting together to find viable solutions to concerns as well as to develop a long term relationship for the future. 
An example, for clarity purposes, to us the lot across the street is not considered overflow.  The two lots combined are intended to provide ample free parking for the site. While I respect your desire to meet without management or the owners, I remain concerned about the problems that can arise from restrictive meetings: One, whatever issues that do surface will take even longer to be addressed. Two, expectations must be based in the reality of what can and cannot be done.  But, of course, this is your choice.  Please keep in mind too, that some things are not problems and can be rectified with clearer communications or a simple revision to a process or policy. 
Regarding your specific concern, I would suggest you call the management office during business hours so that Brian can update you on his progress to re-notify the tenants and re-issue stickers.  It is my understanding that the dumpster company did  miss the mattress during their pick up. These things happen and this has been resolved.

Sharon Conard-Wells


From: Westfield Lofts Tenants [ ]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 8:22 AM
To: Sharon Alternate; 'Brian Schlitzer'; 'Kathy Goshtigian'
Importance: High


Good Morning Sharon, Brian and Kathy.  I am calling the On Call number to notify them about the box spring that is close to the fire lane.  In addition, there are seven cars that are parked in the main lot that should not be.  Some of the cars are "repeat offenders."Sharon, as we talked about the other day, one of your thoughts was for us to notify the on call so that they can have a maintenance guy come out and tow those cars who do not belong here.  If those spots were free, then one of your tenants probably would not have parked in the fire lane (another issue) and six other tenants who had to park in the overflow lot (Sprague Street) would have been able to park in the main lot.  Pictures are posted on the blog for reference.  Any vehicle whose plate is visibly showing does not have a parking tag.






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Hi Sharon.

Thanks for the clarification. As for the box spring, the issue is not that the box spring was missed, but that it was pulled out away from the dumpster where it had been placed on Friday and left in the fire lane. This is a safety issue and was the concern. The fact that I did attempt to address with the office once Melissa arrived and that it was not addressed until later in the afternoon when I moved it and after I had asked for gloves to pick up the alcohol bottles reinforces the slow responsiveness that several have seen continuously. I was dumbfounded to hear Melissa state that the liquor bottles and box spring would need to remain where they were until Monday. This looks unprofessional on her part, tells the tenants that the office was aware and basically does not care how the property looks, tells some of the neighbors who may have similar concerns about wanting their property and adjacent property to look decent that Westwood Lofts does not care, etc., etc.. I would encourage you to speak with Melissa and ask her how the situation was addressed. I am not opposed to picking things up when I see them. However, I attempted to address this with the office and it was not addressed.

As for concerns/issues that may be raised next week, I assure you that you will be informed that following morning if not sooner. In addition, the blog is open to all. It is not formatted for subscribers only. This is a terrific way to communicate with everyone; including you. Certainly, this is not the only way to communicate, but an informative mode of commuication nonetheless. Pictures speak highly.

On 7/23/07, Sharon Alternate <> wrote:

Your recollection of our conversation regarding the illegally parked cars and litter is a little overly simplified. This is not a duty of on call maintenance. We brainstormed lots of ideas about a number of topics; some concerns, some hopes. One on one calls and brainstorming should not be the basis for problem solving in my view. There were so many topics and issues discussed during our call that we also have to be sure we are all using the same terminology in the same manner. Besides, an idea is not a plan for action. During that call, I was attempting to communicate to you my ideas and hopes for Westfield Lofts and the surrounding community as well as our own commitment (behind the scenes and generally) to community.
I maintain that if you are more successful at recruiting tenants who are interested in working with us than our previous attempts then I would love for us to be proactive and positive about our collaborative efforts by meeting together to find viable solutions to concerns as well as to develop a long term relationship for the future.

An example, for clarity purposes, to us the lot across the street is not considered overflow. The two lots combined are intended to provide ample free parking for the site. While I respect your desire to meet without management or the owners, I remain concerned about the problems that can arise from restrictive meetings: One, whatever issues that do surface will take even longer to be addressed. Two, expectations must be based in the reality of what can and cannot be done. But, of course, this is your choice. Please keep in mind too, that some things are not problems and can be rectified with clearer communications or a simple revision to a process or policy.

Regarding your specific concern, I would suggest you call the management office during business hours so that Brian can update you on his progress to re-notify the tenants and re-issue stickers. It is my understanding that the dumpster company did miss the mattress during their pick up. These things happen and this has been resolved.

Sharon Conard-Wells

From: Westfield Lofts Tenants []
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 8:22 AM
To: Sharon Alternate; 'Brian Schlitzer'; 'Kathy Goshtigian'
Importance: High

Good Morning Sharon, Brian and Kathy. I am calling the On Call number to notify them about the box spring that is close to the fire lane. In addition, there are seven cars that are parked in the main lot that should not be. Some of the cars are "repeat offenders."Sharon, as we talked about the other day, one of your thoughts was for us to notify the on call so that they can have a maintenance guy come out and tow those cars who do not belong here. If those spots were free, then one of your tenants probably would not have parked in the fire lane (another issue) and six other tenants who had to park in the overflow lot (Sprague Street) would have been able to park in the main lot. Pictures are posted on the blog for reference. Any vehicle whose plate is visibly showing does not have a parking tag.



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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Left on Saturday to everyone's door.

I had spoken with Brian last week Monday about a safe notification to all tenants so that there is no way of knowing that whether an apartment is vacant due to someone being out of town. These noticies were left yesterday afternoon. It would be safer if Westfield Lofts wound email notifications as well as post them on the community bulletin boards. As for bulletin boards, I wonder whether Westfield has considered a bulletin board that locks so that people cannot take down notices? Any thoughts?

Why is this?

This car has been in the same spot for over three hours today. As mentioned earlier on the blog, this is inconsiderate to those who have groceries to bring in or better yet, groceries and a little child to escort into the house at the same time.

July 22, 2007

A week ago, as some of you may realize, our car was broken into. We had seen this happen to others and we are sure that this will happen again. After talking with the police and other tenants, we realized also that this happens quite frequently here at Westfield. (We can now count at least SEVERAL incidences in the year and a half we have lived here.) Knowing this, it has come to our attention that Westfield and FRM have never really stepped up to address this problem any further than adding some additional lighting and new signage proclaiming video surveillance. (We have yet to see a camera pointing down on the parking lot.) I cannot say for certain, but believe that there has not been a significant drop in the frequency of events since FRM has taken over management. In fact, with the warmer summer months, it seems that events and persons are re-claiming Westfield with graffiti, trash, drugs, prostitution, vandalism, etc, etc.

Many months before, we had another bad experience with Westfield and FRM. However, after much anxiety, screaming and fighting, upper management stepped up to the plate and we were finally able to move out of our original apartment and move on to a more secure apartment.

After talking this past week with Kathy at FRM, she made a comment to us that we “just don’t seem to be happy here at Westfield.” The more I think about this, the more upset I become. On the surface, you can see what we are doing as complaining and raising a stink. Nevertheless, underneath there is no way I would invest this much time and energy in something I truly did not believe in. I like it here at Westfield. I like our apartment, the location, the neighborhood, and the people. I see great potential here as a place to call home long term.

However, I can also give you a long list of the things I do not like. Most of which is approachable and correctable with proper action and offensive re-action. Unfortunately, Westfield and FRM are mostly reactionary. (To no fault, but it has been our experience that things are waived by until something bigger happens.)

With this said, Chris and I are starting to form a tenants group. We have had some good tenant feedback and even more surprising, some slightly negative reactions from others in the buildings. FRM and WESTFIELD ELMWOOD HOUSING ASSOCIATION (WEHA) have been supportive. There are many things to be done and lots of work to improve upon. I can hope that no one takes offense and can only see the constructive benefits of getting organized can have. Our group can have the ability to improve upon the safety, security and well-being of every person here. We want to be able to know our community.

There are many residents here who may not want to get involved. From students whose only investment is as many years until graduation, to working single parents who don’t have time for meetings, to families just starting out and professionals working around the clock, we all have our lives, but we also all end up here at night, walking by our next door neighbors without stopping to get to know each other. All individual apartments connected only by walls. Imagine if we stopped for just a second and worked together to take watch over not just ourselves, but each other…

Get involved, on some level. There is great power in numbers.

See you at the meeting. MONDAY, JULY 30, 2007 6:30 PM. If you cannot make it, drop us an email anyway and we will add you to our informational mailing list. We want to know you and hear from you.

In addition, a good compliment to our own community is the greater West Elmwood Community. Sharon Conard-Wells, Executive Director of WEHA is having a meeting with many of the same concerns on July 24, 2007 at 7:00pm. The meeting is being held at 329 Cranston Street; which is just a few blocks from here.

See you there!

Thanks again.

Geoff Baker

Page 1 of 1


Good Morning Everyone. I am curious to know people's responses to this email below especially those folks with small children who really depend on short treks bringing in the groceries with the little ones in tow. We all like those 30 minute spaces on Westfield as they are convenient for people bringing in groceries and the like. There is nothing more difficult than having the kids and the groceries and not being able to get a spot near the door to unload because someone has been parked there all morning. These spaces are designated 30-minutes so everyone can benefit. A bit of consideration of your neighbors goes a long way.


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-----Original Message-----
From: Westfield Lofts Tenants []
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 8:59 AM
Subject: RE:

"X", thanks writing. Yes, you are so correct that it hurts our pockets when we have to have a window repaired. We just shelled out over $400 for one window. I had no idea what this repair would cost until I encountered it. As for the 30 minute spot, it is so easy to lose track of time. However, we all need to be mindful of each other; including the availability of those spots. Westfield Street is designated with two temporary spots only and your car frequents this area for lengthy periods of time. It is in our best interest that FRM and West Elmwood work with all of us at the lofts to ensure that folks who are not residents with valid stickers are not parking in our spots so that we stand a better chance of getting a parking space. I truly believe that if FRM and Westfield were adhering to their commitments to us as tenants, then we would be better off. As for paying "lots of rent", I too do the same. Certainly, there are going to be folks who see their cars posted who will be upset. I cannot control their responses. However, I will expect that FRM and the like will be holding every tenant to the same standards. We all signed the same lease and we all have the same rules to adhere to even if those rules were handed out when Phoenix was overseeing the lofts.


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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Frustrating response from the answering service and from the office representative. ugh!

Follow up to earlier post

I called the answering service at 8:23a and left the message about the box spring, shopping cart and illegally parked cars. Well, as an update, I noticed the same items at 10a and 11:27a. I stopped in to speak with Melissa about these issues and she was unaware of the call to the answering service. So, we will see what happens.


Saturday Morning at Westfield Lofts

Good Morning. Here is a link of photos that were taken this morning at 7:45a. It is very concerning that there are two separate liquor bottles, that there is a box spring from the trash on the grounds of the parking lot with a shopping cart and that there are seven cars that are not tagged parked in the main parking lot. No parking tag = Not a tenant. When I spoke with Sharon Conard-Wells the other day, she had mentioned that the on call should be notified about these illegally parked cars and so that the maintenance can be called out.

As for the boxspring and the liquor bottles, this is a great concern for all of us. These vagrants pose a safety risk to all of us; including Sharon Conard-Wells. If you see anyone hanging around, please contact the police as well as notify the on call number.

Friday, July 20, 2007

First Tenant Meeting Update

Hi All. As you can see from the post below, we will be having our first tenant meeting on Monday, July 30th from 6:30p-7:30p. This will be a closed meeting which means for tenants only. In the future, we will be inviting Sharon Conard-Wells from the West Elmwood Organization as well as First Realty Management reps (Brian Schlitzer and Kathy Goshtigian).

As for preparing for our first meeting, we will be focusing on who we are as tenants, what we are looking to accomplish as a collective unit (including FRM with Sharon), what safety concerns that we may have, etc.

Finally, if you have noticed anything that appears to be unsafe (including loiterers), please email at I would like for us to continue to have an open line of communication. Certainly, if there is a safety issue, please call the FRM office directly. We know that Brian and his crew works hard on staying on top of safety concerns.


P.S. If you have had any form of vandalism done to your property since moving in, would you please email that as well? I am in the process of collecting some statistics. Please be sure to include the date and as much information as possible.

[Invitation] First Westfield Tenants Meeting @ Mon Jul 30 6:30pm - 7:30pm (), you are invited to

First Westfield Tenants Meeting

Mon Jul 30 6:30pm - 7:30pm
(Eastern Time)
230 Dexter Street, Providence, RI 02907 (map)

Conference Room Building D. Purpose of first meeting is for introductions and to elicit concerns of tenants at Westfield Lofts. This meeting will be a closed meeting to FRM West Elmwood Association.
More event details »

Will you attend?
Yes | No | Maybe


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Fwd: conference room rental

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Westfield Lofts Tenants Calendar < >
Date: Jul 20, 2007 9:25 AM
Subject: conference room rental

Hi Brian.
Sorry that I had not acknowledged sooner regarding the delivery of the form for booking the conference room. I have been busy here at work with HUD redeterminations.  Would you be able to email it to me so that I have more than one copy?  Also, I would like to fax it back to you today with the completed information.  How does the deposit work?  Do I leave a check and it is returned if there is no damage/cleaning involved on FRM's part?


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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Broken Risk???

Hi Everyone,
Dont forget to call the 24-hr Maintenance Number if you notice something broken or not working. Especially if it is important to the health and saftey of everyone here.

I know I will! and did.

That number is


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fwd: Thanks Sharon!

From: Westfield Lofts Tenants Calendar <>
Date: Jul 18, 2007 1:37 PM
Subject: Thanks Sharon!

Hi Sharon.
Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me today. Below is the link that I was talking about. As you will see from the blog, there are some folks who have some concerns. I look forward to meeting you and placing a name to a face very soon. Thanks again.


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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

RE: Scheduling of the Conference Room

Westfield Lofts does not receive HUD money.

From: Westfield Lofts Tenants []
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 10:06 PM
To: Brian Schlitzer
Cc:; Kathy Goshtigian
Subject: Scheduling of the Conference Room


Hi Brian.  I was hoping that you would email me the rules and expectations of using the Conference Room for our tenant meeting.  Also, what are the dates of availability during the week say two weeks from now? I did speak with Kathy Goshtigian today and one of the things that we discussed was the use of the Conference Room for our meeting.   Does Westfield Lofts receive HUD money?  Finally,  would you please reply all instead of just hitting reply?


Thanks Brian.


Chris Germaine



FW: Community Room

Namaste: "The Divine in Me Recognizes the Divine in You."
Aim So High You'll Never Be Bored.. The greatest waste of our natural
resources is the number of people who never achieve their potential.  Get
out of that slow lane.  Shift into that fast lane.  If you think you can't,
you won't.  If you think you can, there's a good chance you will. Even
making the effort will make you feel like a new person.  Reputations are
made by searching for things that can't be done and doing them. 
Aim low:  boring.  Aim high:  soaring.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Schlitzer []
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:35 AM
To: Chris Germaine
Cc: Kathy Goshtigian
Subject: Community Room

Hi Chris,

I'll place a copy of the form under your door. Please turn in the signed
acceptance form and I will check the availability. Right now I do not have
a date so I don't know if it's reserved.

Brian Schlitzer
Property Manager
Westfield Lofts
230 Dexter Street
Providence, RI 02907

Monday, July 16, 2007

30 minute parking on Westfield Street

Hi All. As a reminder, we are only allowed 30 minutes of parking on Westfield Street. First Realty Management towed at least one car this afternoon.

Scheduling of the Conference Room


Hi Brian.  I was hoping that you would email me the rules and expectations of using the Conference Room for our tenant meeting.  Also, what are the dates of availability during the week say two weeks from now? I did speak with Kathy Goshtigian today and one of the things that we discussed was the use of the Conference Room for our meeting.   Does Westfield Lofts receive HUD money?  Finally,  would you please reply all instead of just hitting reply?


Thanks Brian.


Chris Germaine



A terrific suggestion by a tenant here

Hi Everyone. I received an email from a tenant in the complex who didn't write anything, but sent me this link.

Although the link is for the State of Texas, it is interesting. Please keep in mind that the goal of this community is to get ideas, provide a collective voice and to present these to First Realty Management and Westfield Lofts to make this a better living situation for everyone here at Westfield. Keep your eyes open for a soon to be released meeting date.

Chris Germaine

Parking Sticker Update

Hi Everyone. Good Morning. I spoke with Brian today regarding the insane parking issue. Brian tells me that all those cars that have been noticed have lost their parking stickers due to them falling off. I suggested to Brian via email that each tenant is responsible for making sure that their sticker is visible to avoid being towed. If the sticker is falling off, then it is the tenants responsibility to correct the situation with the office. Furthermore, I suggested to Brian that if the entire batch of stickers is defective, that FRM should issue some form of temporary parking pass to each tenant until this is defective batch of stickers is corrected. Does this make sense?

Chris Germaine

Sunday, July 15, 2007

membership updates

Hi Everyone. I have received a few responses already from tenants who are interested in forming a collective voice. Although there are 5 people already committed via email to me, there are an additional 3 or 4 others who were speaking with me yesterday who have expressed interest. Anyone who sends an email to the will be kept confidential unless otherwise noted.

Looking forward to hearing from you and looking forward to scheduling our first meeting very soon.

Chris Germaine

Attempts to be discouraging won't work.

Hi Folks. I noticed this morning that the notice that I had posted in B building was missing. So, I thought that someone had taken it to read on their own. Decided to post two more. Late this evening, I noticed that the documents were gone again. It occurred to check the trash and there the two were, so I taped them up as you can see and marked asking not to destroy. This form of vandalism tells me that people know full well what they are doing with parking and such. However, we cannot be discouraged. Keep the faith!

Safe Notification. Any ideas??

Hi Folks. Any suggestions that we can pass to FRM as to how to safely notify all tenants when a notice needs to come out? I will not name which door this is, but this person has been away for a while. The longer that this sits on the door, the more people are informed that this tenant is away and opens this person up to a break in. Perhaps the letters can be placed under each door? Perhaps a mail list via email? Not sure how many tenants have access to email. Any other thoughts?

Community Organizing and some history is the link that brings you to the organization that was instrumental in renovating the rau fastener building aka westfield lofts. is a link that shows a bit of history of Westfield Lofts.

Chris Germaine