CG Opens meeting with a brief history of reasons for starting a tenant association
Lack of response to problem
Learned of a lack of actual security and video (as suggested by FRM and signage in place on site)
Parking problems/ enforcement compound above problems
Series of events in place that do not support or endorse potential maximum safety and security that should be available.
Kathy Goshtigian stated verbally to CG that cameras will be in at first of month (01 Aug 07)
Brian Schlitzer stated Video company had been in to measure and pre-view site for installation
maleDW Due to privacy and security Tenants may not be able to view Security tapes
Video may be available only to Police/ officials
Cameras rarely provide security they promise
BM Ground floor apartment had a local “character” reach in and try to take things off the windowsill. Unsure who or what was/ if anything/ was taken
JI Tenant door was left open and unknown person knocked on door and could have entered.
maleDW Neighborhood was worse and although getting better has not evolved with the changing landscape of new renovations/ improvements, etc We still have prostitution, drugs, crime.
Need for security at night (both 3-11pm and 11pm to 7am police shifts) within community police force.
GB Perhaps utilize liquor store to hire security as with other local liquor stores as suggested by Thea at WEHA
Also, FRM/ Management may need to hire security for Thursday-Sunday as this
JI/ YK Witness crime evidence (smashed windows etc) in December. Has crime/ break-ins calmed down?
JI Crime evident all over city. Living on Broadway, cars were broken into all the time.
GB Maybe the opportunity time for most crime actions to occur and many tenants do not feel safe heading into the courtyard late at night.
It would be good to get crime statistics for Westfield Lofts to see the frequency and occurrence times, etc.
It seems as if crime rate has been very steady and constant. Recognizing this could be the start of changing it.
YK Mentioned Oxford Gardens (Low Income Housing) (Managed by FRM?) Has a security detail at night.
maleDW Communities need to work together and organize with tenants/ landlord/ property managers etc
Future Meetings need to include all parties
DW Closed circuit TV and Cameras on every door so we can see who is outside and buzzed in. (This was mentioned by previous property manager Deb Ellis)
Tenant enforcement and eyes through security cameras accessed via our own tv sets.
maleDW This type of thing should be pre-wired in. I will check into.
maleDW Should FRM manage Dexter Street?
CG Dexter Street is privately owned by Westfield, Westfield put the signs up and FRM instituted the parking policy.
Need to follow through with delivery of rules and signage as posted and promised.
maleDW Suggested resident patrol to call Towing company. Work w/ Brian to monitor and Control
CG We have submitted plates and times to Management.
GB Everyone needs to email and notify management when they see something not working (Parking Violations) So that he is aware policy is not being enforced or working.
maleDW Lock up the cars on the tow trucks and tow em, Rotate Resident watch
JI Organize and community policing for cars and violations.
KT During a car break in with her and DW (separate occasions) police suggested that THEY could provide community police volunteers. (Not sure if this was as a personal favor or part of services offered)
DW PVD police has a briefing of community crime every Tuesday.
It would be important to get copies of this information and also invite police to meetings
CG This meeting was closed only to get a feel for ourselves and concerns. Next meeting can/ will include FRM , PVD police, WEHA, and other relevant resources. We will need outside help to organize and place these agencies at our meetings.
maleDW This is a good nucleus to start a community program that can encompass all future Westfield Development.
SCW of WEHA had asked to initiate a tenant association at a FEB 07 development meeting.
JI We need to start to feel pride in this neighborhood. Create neighborhood building.
maleDW Homeowners of new developments will foster family participation and sense of ownership/ identity.
maleDW Ownership and Responsibility
Also would like to know how many families live in the building now…including children and teenagers. A measure of family involvement.
maleDW Knows Thea Fielding of WEHA who puts together house events for neighborhoods with similar problems
CG Thea was very motivational at WEHA meeting last week
GB The WEHA meetings should compliment our own meetings both in our intra (loft) and extra (west end) community.
maleDW Need to know our Police Districts/ Councilors/ Representatives etc for resources to build stronger communities and accountability to neighborhood.
JI Stay positive, Safety with Cooperation and Expect but not demand.
CG Need to create a safe environment without bad elements. Actions need to be CONTINUAL and proactive. FRM has a tendency to be reactive rather than pro-active.
GB Would like to initiate some community building social events to get to know your neighbors and foster recognition between tenants.
DW Trash all over inside and outside of building. (Even in elevators)
YK Door Locks do not work consistently.
maleDW Persons have been seen on roof of annex (Building B)
DW Maintenance is lacking
GB Unkept property sends a clear message to those watching. Both in daily liter, trash, weeds, and flowers.
CG Including the vacant lots and buildings adjacent
DW We miss Jim Puchta being on board every day cleaning and showing concern
KT Current Maintenance is rude and unhelpful
CG New maintenance man has been hired full time.
maleDW Careful that blog does not take a vicious negative or counter productive tone
Negative feedback creates frustration
CG Blog tone is a bit negative
GB Purpose of blog is to create awareness for both new and existing tenants that these things are happening. It was created before the idea of a tenant association came to mind. In order for Westfield to become successful, it has to be full of good tenants. This was our only voice. This association combine with a responsible blog will be a better voice.
DW All communities need to work together to get positive change. Part of this is to know each person and each persons role.
CG Will disseminate all phone numbers (“phone tree”) and emails from the group so that there is more contact with each other. If assistance is needed to and from the car/parking lot, feel free to contact those on the list.
DW To follow up with her connection at the Providence Police Department in regards to inquiring as a group with FRM management in an attempt to determine statistics of crimes reported at Westfield Lofts as well as whether it might be possible to request that the police patrol more during the middle of the night hours.
It may be of benefit if we could meet with the police as a collective unit with FRM in an attempt to obtain ideas from the police regarding safe interventions for the tenants.
Third Monday of every month
August 20th 6:30 pm
August 21st 7:00pm WEHA meeting (CRANSTON ST)