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Westfield Lofts Tenants Calendar

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

leaking in our unit. are you having the same problem?

Hi Everyone. I called the on call number at 1:45p today to inform about two leaks in my apartment and the fact that not only was there damage done to a clock that cannot be replaced, but that the water is coming down an electrical conduit and that there are two leaks going on. Anyone else having this problem? Be sure to take photos if you can.




WestfieldLoftsTenantsGroup said...

FRM just sent someone out and they are attempting to work on the problem. So, an hour response is good considering that the person on call may be from a distance away.

Anonymous said...

I HAD multiple window leaks that were spilling onto electrical outlets. Nanci didn't give a hoot, but when I mentioned it to Jim he took care of it straight away, and rather well.