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Westfield Lofts Tenants Calendar

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

updates on dumpster

Hi Folks. The dumpster is still very full. Not completely full like it is in these photos from the other day, but still very full. Here are some photos from the other day. Clearly a sanitation issue that is being ignored. It is unclear why someone would leave their trash outside the dumpster fencing versus bringing it back into their own home. Certainly, we have more trash when someone moves in. Some of the trash appears to be beer bottles too. Perhaps from the party in D building over the weekend??

Cycle Parking and signs.

Yes, it has finally been done!!! Motorcycle parking has been assigned in the parking lot and a new line has been painted for the no parking area.

Too bad some people cannot read the signs.

Arranging of the arrangements

Hi Everyone. I thought that it would be nice to recognize the hard work that Helen has been doing with the removing of the flowers and arranging some of the existing plants as well as with putting in ornamental grass. I think it is great that Helen is doing this for all.

Thanks Helen!

Chris Germaine

Sunday, September 23, 2007

landlord to maintain premises

Here is a more specific link for all to be aware of.


FRM is allowing the dumpster to overflow without being emptied on a regular enough basis. This is inviting to the rats in the city. The City of Providence does have a signficant rat problem and they have been seen in the past running along the side of the building closest to Westfield Street. By allowing the dumpster to be overflowing and by people throwing their garbage on the ground and not in the dumpster is inviting the rodents to reside at Westfield. Be sure to make room at your table for one more as they will be moving in soon unless FRM gets ahold of this. By the way, FRM is responsible for keeping that dumpster area clean at all times. Here is the link to the tenant law as it applies in Rhode Island.


Hi Everyone. That white car that had the green sticker placed on its window saying that the car would be towed on 9/19/07 @ 12noon, well, the car is still on the lot (it does not have a parking permit) in the same spot and it has not been towed. So, feel free to tell your friends not to worry about being towed. WAIT!!! Why is this being written you ask?? Well, it is completely true that the car is still on the lot and in the same spot. It is true also that it does not have a parking permit and it is true that it HAD a green sticker indicating that the car was in violation of being towed. Just wanted to point out to folks that FRM is again not enforcing its own policies on towing. This car is still in the same spot, is taking up a spot and FRM does not care about the tenants.

As for the 30 minute towing on Westfield Street, feel free to park there too as no one is monitoring this area as well.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Profile and Introduction Change

Hi Everyone. I have changed our profile as well as our introduction due to the change in direction that the group seems to be taking. As always, this blog is a great communication device for all and the reporting that has been made in the past will not change should similar issues arrise again.

Chris Germaine, Founder Westfield Lofts Tenants Group/Community.

Yesterday, I awoke to find out that my son's car was towed in error by State Towing. My sons car was indeed parked in the guest parking section of Westfield lofts.  When I called the emergency they gave me the name and number of the towing company.  We were told by the towing company that someone from the building called and said that we were in their parking spot and that this was private property and was told to move vehicles away with no parking sticker and when we informed him that we were in the guest parking section and we did not need one he simply stated that he is just doing what he is told and to remove all vehicles without a sticker regardless of guest parking or not.  He said he apologized but for 129, I could have my car back. Mad could not describe how I was feeling at the time.  I in turn paid the fee and received the car back.  I would like to say that I did speak to Brian today (Monday at around 10.00am) of FRM on this situation and he took care of this entire situation.  Brian was right on top of the concerns that I brought to him, and assured me that he would contact the towing company regarding this and to make sure that this does not happen in the future.  Thanks Brian

post for blog

Hi Yvette.  Would you please write to the blog directly at regarding your parking concerns that you experienced yesterday with the towing company that FRM has contracted with?



FW: parking!

Brian, I received the email below. Thought that you should be aware. The cars in the note were blocking (one was parallel parked) in front of the dumpster. Clearly the fire department would have an issue with needing to respond to an emergency. There were five cars parked in the main lot that do not have stickers. I understand that some folks have moved in recently (two weeks ago), but at this point, if they are living here, then there should be stickers. Two of these cars are known violators from the past. One is an Acura and one is a Lexus. In addition, there were a handful of cars in the other lot close to the gate without stickers as well. As for the gate, Helen had told me about the gate yesterday morning that it was stuck and so she applied some tape to it as a temporary fix. These gates should always open with no issue or perhaps a panic button is needed on each. If there had been a fire in either building and people needed to evacuate, neither Judy nor Dana would be able to evacuate safely.

Chris and

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-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 11:01 PM
To: westfieldloftstenants:
Subject: parking!

Yesterday was an 18 hour workday for me. When I got home at 1:30 in the morning I was a little dissapointed but not suprised that there wee no parking spaces in the closer lot. oh well, right? This is not a big deal, I tell myself, but even still my frustration is increased by the number of cars in the lot that don't belong there, and the 3 extra cars parked in the fire lane marked "tow zone". THEN I got my dog to take her out for a quick walk, and we can't get out the gate on westfield street! The handle was completely stripped out, so that the latch won't move, and the gate won't open. we tried to get in that way from the other side as well, but to no avail. I called the maintenance line to report the gate as well as the parking violations, but i felt the gate was a fairly pressing matter as it was on the handicap acess side of the building. When I awoke late this morning I saw that someone had gotten the gate open and put tape over the latch so it would not get stuck shut for a while, but clearly has not been addressed by maintenance staff, and there were different vehicles parked in the tow zone!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Guest Book at bottom of page

Hi Everyone. We now have a guest book on our blog. I encourage you to sign in please and let me know your thoughts.

Thanks and I look forward to the feedback.

Chris Germaine,
Founder, Westfield Lofts Tenants Group

Reverse 911 Registration in Providence

Hello Everyone. The City of Providence is offering Reverse 911.
Providence has a REVERSE 911® emergency notification system that allows the Emergency Management office to call you with any emergency or potential health hazard that occurs in the area where you live. By adding your cell phone to the database, an attempt will be made to contact both your landline and cell phone number notifying you of the situation. If you would like to add your cell phone number to the Providence REVERSE 911® database, please utilize this form. PLEASE NOTE THAT BY ADDING YOUR NAME AND NUMBER TO THE REVERSE 911® SYSTEM THE INFORMATION IS CONFIDENTIAL AND YOU ARE NOT GIVING PERMISSION FOR PRIVATE OR POLITICAL SOLICITATION OF ANY KIND. NORMAL CELL PHONE CHARGES WILL APPLY WHEN RECEIVING THIS PHONE CALL.

The link to this is:


As published in the Providence Phoenix on 04/29/2005 written by Robin Amer.

Rau Fastener offers a new model for affordable lofts
By Robin AmerProvidence Phoenix April 29, 2005
Starting in December 2005, units will be available in Westfield Lofts, formerly the Rau Fastener mill complex, on Dexter Street near the Cranston Street Armory. The West Elmwood Housing Development Corporation is the force behind the $15 million rehab project, remaking the 1890 mill complex into 69 one- and two-bedroom lofts. Upon completion, Westfield Lofts will be the city’s only CDC-sponsored mill redevelopment effort, offering units of low-income housing, and moderate-income units far cheaper than other loft projects in town.
The project is almost 10 years in the making. Sharon Conard-Wells, West Elmwood’s executive director, says the seeds were planted in 1997, when neighborhood residents asked her, "What are you going to do with this thing in the middle of the neighborhood?" Her response was "We don’t do mills." But neighbors felt so strongly that they presented petitions and letters to West Elmwood’s board, in hopes it would tackle the four-story, 109,000-square-foot building.
Westfield Lofts will consist of 22 affordable one- and two-bedroom rental units, starting at a monthly rent of $498, a price bounded by the tax credits used to partially finance the project. Prospective tenants must meet federal low-income guidelines. There will also be 47 one- and two-bedroom units renting at between $850 and $1300 a month — about half the price of similar lofts being developed downtown and in other mill redevelopment projects.
Conard-Wells says the mixed-income rent structure will benefit neighborhood families who make too much to qualify for low-income housing, but need help on their way to home ownership. The affordable units will be mixed in with the other units, rather than clustered in one section of the building.
The mill rehab is the first phase of the CDC’s bigger plans for the area. An adjacent mill building will eventually be converted into office space. A large vacant lot behind the property will be turned into 24 townhouses, and lots across Dexter Street will be redeveloped into multi-family homes. Conard-Wells believes the efforts will improve people’s perception of the neighborhood. "I’m one of the first to say the neighborhood isn’t 100 percent of what it should be," she says. "But I’m also one of the first to say it’s not nearly as bad as the perception. This project will help close the gap between perception and reality." The project could also have a major impact on property values, Conard-Wells says, and on the investment current residents are willing to make in their own homes.
Asked how West Elmwood managed to finance such a project, she laughs, "I beg. I have no pride. I’ll ask for money all the time." In reality, the organization pieced together multiple sources, including federal funds, low-income tax credits, US Environmental Protection Agency bucks for environmental remediation, a bridge loan from Bank of America, and help from such national groups as the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and Neighborworks America. Conard-Wells says project architects Durkee Brown Viveiros & Werenfels, which is receiving a percentage of the total construction costs, subordinated an increase in its fee when construction costs increased.
Low- and moderate-income artists are among those being targeted as residents, in hopes that their presence will accentuate the neighborhood’s positive characteristics. The units will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, provided prospective renters’ credit checks out.
"This is a really cool project," says Laura Mullen of Rhode Island Citizens for the Arts’ Sustainable Artist Space Initiative. "I’m so impressed by Sharon and what they’ve been able to accomplish and how much thought they’ve been able to put into it."
Mullen says the Rau Fastener project is proof that for all the cost and difficulty associated with turning old mill buildings into new housing, it is possible to create affordable spaces. "Sharon’s previous experience in the affordable housing world gave her all the skills to make this happen," Mullen says. "Because she already knew the nonprofit affordable housing world… she also had access to funding and grants not available to for-profit developers. That’s part of the beauty of nonprofit developing."

What to do?...What to do?.....What to do?

09/15/07 @ 3:27PM EST.

Hi Everyone. Last Wednesday, 9/12/07, we had our monthly tenants meeting here at Westfield. This meeting is open to everyone who resides at the lofts. Sharon Conard-Wells attended this meeting and had some concerns that she felt the need to express. Unfortunately, her concerns were not on the agenda of topics to discuss.

One of the items that was discussed (minutes to follow shortly) is whether we should be posting the minutes of the meetings here on the blog for everyone to see as some folks perceive these minutes as private and that by posting the minutes, some people may be placed in harms way even though we use initials only. Another aspect to these minutes is whether we should have such lengthy minutes. Well, I did a quick google search for my name first out of curiosity as to see what would come up (not much really. LOL). I then searched for Sharon Conard-Wells as Sharon had expressed concern that there is negativity being expressed about her on the internet. Well, one of the first things to come up was some meeting minutes and her attendance at this meeting. My points to this are two-fold. First, the minutes are long and detailed. Great! Second, they are out there for anyone. So, at this point, we will be continuing to have good detailed note taking and will continue to post the minutes here. I have taken the liberty to share what I found. Here is the link:

This blog is not only considered opinion or an electronic diary/journal of sorts, but it is this blog that has fostered a small community of tenants who are interested in continuing to work with the management company that runs Westfield Lofts. If this blog is perceived as negative at times by some, well, then I apologize. However, sometimes it is important to identify the pink elephant that is in the middle of the room to get things done. The pink elephant in this case consisted of the video cameras that were not in, the towing that was not being enforced, etc.

More to follow.

Chris Germaine

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Great Little Grocery Store

Hi Everyone. Geoff and I found this great little grocery store that seems to have some good prices on meats. Some of you may have heard of it. For those of you who have not, you might want to check out ACADEMY SUPERMARKET @ 1052 Chalkstone. They have terrific prices on meats, they cut their own meat and have meat packages. Their phone is 421-1480.

Lot Cleaning Update

Hi Everyone. It appears that the empty lot across from the parking lot has been cleaned of weeds. Definitely positive to see. There is still some broken glass on the ground there, but the property looks much better. Thank you Sharon.

Chris Germaine

[Invitation] Westfield Lofts Tenants Group Meeting @ Wed Oct 10 6:30pm - 8pm ()

Google Calendar, you are invited to

Westfield Lofts Tenants Group Meeting

Wed Oct 10 6:30pm - 8pm
(Eastern Time)
"D" Building Community Room (map)

Monthly Meeting for all tenants.
More event details»

Will you attend?


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To stop receiving future notifications for this event, decline this event. Alternatively you can sign up for a Google Calendar account at and control your notification settings for your entire calendar.

Tonights BBQ

Brian and Kathy.  Thanks again for tonight. I think tonight was a definite success!!!  It was nice to see those who attended the BBQ.  It is always great to sit and talk with people that you know and to meet others. 





Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Link to the Tenant Survey for September 13th.

Good Morning Everyone. The link above will take you to our survey that you can download and bring to the cookout on Thursday. This information will be used with FRM to aid in developing the Westfield Lofts Tenants Community as well as with providing suggestions of improvement to the FRM.

Looking forward to see all of you who are familiar as well as those who are new.



Over the past few months, we have started a tenants association that will enable us to strengthen our neighborhood, improve our homes and create a strong and familiar community.

Please visit out blog at

We are making progress in providing a voice for the tenants and we are always looking for your help and input.

We would love to see you at our meetings.

One of the best ways to strengthen this family is to get to know your neighbors. Tonight is a prime example of how we are doing that. Please enjoy the grill and introduce yourself. The value in this is limitless.


Please take a few moments to answer the following questions.

Would you like to participate in the Tenants Association? How can we get in touch with you?


Email: Telephone:

Is there anything you may like to do within the Tenants Association?

For example: Gardening, Event planning, Holiday decorating? Meetings? Community room? Art? Other ideas?

Is there anything you would like to address within the Tenants Association?

For example: Parking, Safety, Security, Accessibility? Maintenance? Grounds? Neighborhood? Other ideas?

Please list the areas in which you have ideas and concerns about.

For example; Common areas? Laundry? Lighting? Trash? Entrances? Parking? Gates? Security? Saftey? Other ideas?

What do you like best about living here?

What do you like least about living here?

Any other thoughts or comments?

Thank you for completing this survey!

Your input is greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

[Reminder] Westfield Lofts Tenants Meeting @ Wed Sep 12 6:30pm - 7:30pm ()

Google Calendar, this is a reminder for

Westfield Lofts Tenants Meeting

Wed Sep 12 6:30pm - 7:30pm
(Eastern Time)
"D" Building Community Room (map)

Monthly meeting and final preparation for Westfield Lofts Neighbor Cook Out. If you cannot attend the meeting, would you please reply?

Thank you.

More event details»


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To stop receiving future notifications for this event, decline this event. Alternatively you can sign up for a Google Calendar account at and control your notification settings for your entire calendar.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Westfield Street Lighting Improved

Hello Everyone. This is somewhat overdue, but I did want to point out that the faulty spot lights on Westfield Street have been replaced by a brighter light that goes on when it is dark. It provides a greater amount of light. Thanks to Brian and his crew. I have posted a photo which shows the improvement. We need to have the spot lights at the other end of the street replaced with a similar light. The light at the bottom left of the photo is actually two flood lamps. These do not provide adequate lighting and are on constantly. The light at the top right of the photo is the new lighting that was installed. Please be sure to speak to Brian about having another one of these lights put in. They are much safer. Remember, Lt. Day stated last month at the tenants meeting that the more lighting the better. Chris and To subscribe to our RSS, click on

Meeting Reminder for the 12th


Hello Lt. Day.  As a reminder, we are meeting on the 12th at 6:30p.  You are welcome to join us.  We anticipate that our meeting will be short.  It would be helpful to us if you are able to pull any events reported from 8/20/07 through 9/12/07.


Thank you.


Chris Germaine




For Sandy who tried to send me an instant message

Hello Sandy.  Sorry that I was not in when you tried to send me an instant message to chat.  I had put my computer to sleep, but it appeared to you that I was online.  Please feel free to write to me directly to with your concerns and I would be happy to help you as much as possible to obtain a solution to your issue.   Another way that you can contact me is via my telephone at 617-785-7177.  If you are new to the building, we are having a tenants meeting on September 12th at 6:30p in the Community Room of the D Building.  This meeting is open to all tenants.





Friday, September 7, 2007

FW: of interest


Subject: of interest


Over the past few months, there are a few things we have re-learned about community.

One of them being, if you know you neighbors, you are more likely to foster concern for your neighbors.

It makes perfect sense.  When we moved in over a year ago, we knew no one in here at Westfield or in Providence.

I am glad to say this is changing, in part, through our efforts within our own community and the newly formed tenants association.

It is great to be able to say "hi, how are you" or "did you notice..."  It keeps us together and familiar,  Our new Westfield Family.


However, there are still many many people we do not know.  I understand also, some people prefer it that way.  Either way, I think

everyone would agree that familiarity with our surroundings is important to being able to identify safety and security issues that may arise.

You don't have to be "hey diddley diddle dee neighbor ned flanders friendly"  but it also does not hurt to know the difference between the maintenance

person walking on the roof versus the person on the roof looking for open apartment windows...


So, we got it in our heads to have a mixer.  Something we all could enjoy and also have a chance to get to know our neighbors.

With funds limited and ideas spinning, I thought it would be good to provide a grill for everyone to come down and cook something.  Bring your

own meats and veggies.  It would be an opportunity to enjoy your own cook-out with everyone else.  Living in an apartment, we all can see the value of

a good red-hot grill.  (Yes, no grills allowed for all who are thinking of attempting to grill in their own living rooms.)  Depending on the success of this event,

it could be a regular thing.  A chance to get to know your neighbors under the ever tempting lure of grilled foods.  And for the wallflowers, come on down, grill some

of your own specialties and head back indoors.  At least we can get a look at you and vice versa!  Next time we see you, we can say...oh thats the

nice person who was came down and was grilling swordfish steaks last thursday... 


I am a bit concerned, however, because we presented this idea at the last tenants meeting.  There seemed to be positive enthusiasm for the event and Chris and I were

ready and willing to jump in full time.  (Even to the point of purchasing a small grill.)  Kathy and Thea said there was no need for that as they could easily provide the grill,

the printing and distribution of flyers and in a snap it seemed our good idea had met good fortune.  Now, two weeks later and one week away, I have yet to see any notifications, information, etc.

(Except for the two we had posted.)


Lt. Day was at our last meeting reinforcing the notion of knowing your community.  This event is important to the success of the tenants organization here as well as the

relationship between the property owners, the property management and all the tenants who are tired of not knowing their neighbors and even more tired of the junk that

continues here everyday.  We were glad to have management handle most of the responsibilities of this event as we are always running around as busy as always...

(Isn't Everyone?)  But we were also willing to head this up to make it a success. However, the way I run things in my office is that the first step is giving as much notice as possible

so that if you want to attend, you CAN attend.


The success of this event depends on everyone here.  We are willing to pitch in, understanding too, that management works as hard as we all do to make this place great.

But of course, we have to know what they are thinking and how we can help.  Please, just pick up the phone and let us know... we are glad to help.


Incidentally, the execution of this event will determine, to me at least, how much the owners and management really want a tenants association, success here means communication between tenants

about issues that matter to us, our homes and OUR neighborhood.  Stand by and watch closely.  Open Grill in the courtyard in SEVEN DAYS.  See you then.


Geoff Baker




Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Window Caulking

Hi Everyone. Winter is approaching soon (GROAN! I know, I know; hate to say it, but it's true). If you are new to Westfield Lofts, then I hope that you will have the opportunity to see how beautiful the grounds are in the winter with the snow falling. If you were here last year, then I am sure that you remember the high heating bills. This is the time to have your windows caulked. Jim was to have caulked our windows by February or so of this year, but it did not happen because of scheduling conflicts. We do not want to go through the same thing again. We have already asked Brian about addressing this and he has a plan to address this issue soon. Please be sure to speak with Brian regarding this. Research online shows that a significant savings can be reached (some reports state as high as 30%) in your heating bills just be caulking the windows. This is the time to address this.


Follow up

I had first learned about this issue on 8/21.  I had called a electrician several times over the next week.  Unfortunately they did not call me back.  I was able to get a hold of the owners cell phone number and finally spoke to him on 8/27.  He came down to assess the issue on Thursday, 8/30.  He said he would have to look at his books to see when he could get someone down here.  In the meantime, we had Dave take a look at it because we did not want them to be inoperable.  Yes, you are correct and observant that the lights are continuously running.  This is a temporary fix until a license professional can correct the issue this week.
With regards to the resident moving after hours.  That resident understood the rules and chose not to follow them.   Occasionally these things happen and it shows a lack of respect when this happens
The office was closed on Saturday but we do have a cleaning service that comes and picks up the exterior grounds every week.  I'm surprised you have not seen them.
I have followed up with State Towing and they are continuing to monitor the parking.
Brian Schlitzer
Property Manager
First Realty Management
Managing Agent for
Westfield Lofts Apartments
230 Dexter Street
Providence, RI 02907
fax 401.272.5645

From: Westfield Lofts Tenants []
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 11:24 PM
To: Brian Schlitzer; Kathy Goshtigian; 'Sharon Alternate';
Subject: lighting, safety, parking and prompt follow up
Importance: High





As a representative of Westfield Tenants, I wanted to mention some recent concerns we have been having.  I received your voicemail today regarding the lighting that had been out over on Westfield Street.  After mentioning this on several occasions well over two weeks ago, the lights are finally working.  They work so well, in fact, that they appear to be on continuously day and night.  I hope this is a temporary situation as the bulbs will burn out quite quickly and it would be counter-productive having to wait another two to three weeks to replace the bulbs.  As you know, Lt Day suggested keeping your property well lit to deter thievery.  Prior to this, this entrance area had been under lit for three weeks, despite proper and continuous notification.




In regards to the power outage last Monday (08/27/07), most tenants in B building woke up to hallways in complete darkness. It was impossible to pass down the corridors.  You saw the darkness when you arrived on Monday.


I talked with a tenant who had called the Emergency Number at 5am to report that the lighting was out.  This person was telling me that it was made very clear that no one could see in the corridors as the emergency lighting and exit signs were not illuminated.  When I telephoned the answering service at 8a about this issue, I was told that it would be fixed by 9a.  Apparently, other calls were also made, but we are unclear of what information was passed to you. 


However, these lights had been out since 8:11pm on Sunday, 08/26/2007 as indicated on the fire-alarm panel in the lobby.   I am concerned that we as tenants were put at risk for a minimum of four hours (I believe it is longer than this) and that FRM allowed this safety issue to continue once notified..  What would FRM have done if there had been a fire and we were not able to evacuate due to the inability to see?


Again, THIS RESPONSE TIME IS UNACCEPTABLE, especially considering the seriousness of this particular safety issue.


In addition, it is concerning that there is no staff here this Saturday on a holiday weekend.  Here at 7:02pm, the lot and sidewalks are already beginning to be littered with beer bottles.  To complex this situation further, there are many tenants moving in and out of the building due to new leases beginning and ending with the school year.  It is now, 11:04pm and tenants are still around the building moving in and out of u-hauls parked in the 30-minute spots on Dexter Street.


I believe the tenant handbook states that all moving must be completed before 6pm.  This is disruptive and disrespectful to existing tenants and shows a general lack of rule enforcement and respect by FRM.  It would be a benefit to them to have some sort of access to someone over the long holiday weekend to help with the parking and new tenant issues.


One final thought is, of course, parking enforcement.  As things have begun to settle down, the lot has already started to full up with un-stickered cars and people who do not reside here (their vehicles have been on site before) and no one to follow up on this until Tuesday.