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Westfield Lofts Tenants Calendar

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 22, 2007

A week ago, as some of you may realize, our car was broken into. We had seen this happen to others and we are sure that this will happen again. After talking with the police and other tenants, we realized also that this happens quite frequently here at Westfield. (We can now count at least SEVERAL incidences in the year and a half we have lived here.) Knowing this, it has come to our attention that Westfield and FRM have never really stepped up to address this problem any further than adding some additional lighting and new signage proclaiming video surveillance. (We have yet to see a camera pointing down on the parking lot.) I cannot say for certain, but believe that there has not been a significant drop in the frequency of events since FRM has taken over management. In fact, with the warmer summer months, it seems that events and persons are re-claiming Westfield with graffiti, trash, drugs, prostitution, vandalism, etc, etc.

Many months before, we had another bad experience with Westfield and FRM. However, after much anxiety, screaming and fighting, upper management stepped up to the plate and we were finally able to move out of our original apartment and move on to a more secure apartment.

After talking this past week with Kathy at FRM, she made a comment to us that we “just don’t seem to be happy here at Westfield.” The more I think about this, the more upset I become. On the surface, you can see what we are doing as complaining and raising a stink. Nevertheless, underneath there is no way I would invest this much time and energy in something I truly did not believe in. I like it here at Westfield. I like our apartment, the location, the neighborhood, and the people. I see great potential here as a place to call home long term.

However, I can also give you a long list of the things I do not like. Most of which is approachable and correctable with proper action and offensive re-action. Unfortunately, Westfield and FRM are mostly reactionary. (To no fault, but it has been our experience that things are waived by until something bigger happens.)

With this said, Chris and I are starting to form a tenants group. We have had some good tenant feedback and even more surprising, some slightly negative reactions from others in the buildings. FRM and WESTFIELD ELMWOOD HOUSING ASSOCIATION (WEHA) have been supportive. There are many things to be done and lots of work to improve upon. I can hope that no one takes offense and can only see the constructive benefits of getting organized can have. Our group can have the ability to improve upon the safety, security and well-being of every person here. We want to be able to know our community.

There are many residents here who may not want to get involved. From students whose only investment is as many years until graduation, to working single parents who don’t have time for meetings, to families just starting out and professionals working around the clock, we all have our lives, but we also all end up here at night, walking by our next door neighbors without stopping to get to know each other. All individual apartments connected only by walls. Imagine if we stopped for just a second and worked together to take watch over not just ourselves, but each other…

Get involved, on some level. There is great power in numbers.

See you at the meeting. MONDAY, JULY 30, 2007 6:30 PM. If you cannot make it, drop us an email anyway and we will add you to our informational mailing list. We want to know you and hear from you.

In addition, a good compliment to our own community is the greater West Elmwood Community. Sharon Conard-Wells, Executive Director of WEHA is having a meeting with many of the same concerns on July 24, 2007 at 7:00pm. The meeting is being held at 329 Cranston Street; which is just a few blocks from here.

See you there!

Thanks again.

Geoff Baker

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1 comment:

WestfieldLoftsTenantsGroup said...

Hello Everyone. I received a bizarre posting to this letter from Geoff. Since the comment was inappropriate, I had to remove the original post to delete the comment. This is a repost from Geoff with the appropriate editing completed.